With Covid-19 taking the world for a loop and forcing us all to reevaluate whats most important in life, many of us are faced with the question: how in the heck are we supposed to work from home and make sure our children's brains don't turn to mush the next 3+ weeks?" So I've been looking up a few resources and tools on how to engage your lil ones (read: keep them quiet while you finish your Zoom call).
Other Goose is a platform offering homeschooling activities geared towards ages 2-7. They have a play based approach to learning that is both structured, playful and relaxed. For the next three weeks they're offering access to their site free of charge.

Endless Learning is also a great interactive tool with reading, vocabulary and music games. Its a subscription service that is great for ages 2-6, and they're continually adding more games and features to their app.

Scholastic Learn at Home also has a great video service with science and interactive for Pre-K through 6+
As much as I wanted to have a regimented Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic structure for the next few weeks, I acknowledge that creative outlets are what keeps my little entertained.
Project Kid is a great resource full of accessible craft projects for all ages.

And if all else fails, below is a brilliant schedule to help you and the little ones break up your day. Be easy on yourself moms, we're day 1 with 20+ days to go.